SKU: 860000941501
SKINTELLI Skincare Test (Beta)

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SKINTELLI is the ultimate solution in finding the right skincare products for your skin. You will receive a SKINTELLI skin DNA collection kit with easy, painless collection adhesives. After sending back your skin samples, you will receive within 90 days a snapshot profile of the current quality of your skin along with 3 price tiers of 36 product matches (12 products per tier), ranging from moisturizers and creams to oils and serums.


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SKINTELLI is a direct-to-consumer personal epigenetic test developed by New York-based biotechnology company EpigenCare Inc. The purpose of the test is to discover the best matched skincare products on the market for the current quality of your skin. Through next-generation sequencing of your DNA, we assess the cosmetic appearance of your skin at the epigenetic level. Current buying decisions for skincare products are based on glamorous, mass marketing and sales consultants, which is far too general. This leads to you receiving the same blanket recommendations for taking care of your skin as everyone else. Even dermatologists typically only make skincare product recommendations based on what can be visually detected on a superficial basis. With SKINTELLI, you will gain not only insight into the current quality of your skin but also be matched with existing products on the market, ranging from brand name to indie boutique, based on the best-suited combination of ingredient compositions.

Weight 0.25 lbs
Dimensions 4.5 × 6.5 × 1 in
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